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Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010

You should know that

I love U
"He is, people who do not have nothing,
I love her and I admire him, I chose the course and I looked away into the course. Each people have a lover, he's my lover, lover eternal. He is a man who I love, he so beautiful, oh she is the most perfect. The people who loved him are lovers who never dying. He is he and he and they are him. This is a secret, if you have love, you will understand.

you who have chosen me as well that you hurt me,,,
why did you tell the world that I was wrong, I know I did wrong but you should not do this to me ..
whether we live is not enough,,
you should have more understanding and not selfish ....
You also touched remember you also never get rid of me,,

LOVE. . .

2 komentar:

  1. kira2ada yang mau menjadi temen ku pa eggak ya?pasti ada kesini ya kalau mau tau budaya korea lebih lanjut,lets goying

  2. SeSeOrAnG ItU pAsTi tIdaK MaU KaLau KaSiHsAyAnG Ny iTu dI BagI:;DaRi f4 EdIttIoN
